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Иностранные журналы по тематике Финансового университета в открытом доступе в сети Интернет

  1. http://portal.unesco.org/shs/en/ev.php-URL_ID=12204&URL_DO=DO_TOPIC&URL_SECTION=201.html
    UNESCO Social and Human Sciences Documentation Centre, объединяющий различные базы данных по социальным и гуманитарным наукам, включая веб-сайт Social and Human Sciences Online Periodicals, который предоставляет доступ к полным текстам более чем 700 научных журналов

  2. http://www.ams-web.org/
    Academy of Marketing Science Review

  3. http://www.globip.com/africanjournal.htm
    African Journal of Accounting, Economics, Finance and Banking Research

  4. http://www.macrothink.org/journal/index.php/ajfa
    Asian Journal of Finance & Accounting

  5. http://oldwww.acm.org/chapters/acm_nz/bulletin.php
    Association for Computing Machinery New Zealand Bulletin

  6. https://journals.ku.edu/index.php/jbi
    Biodiversity Informatics

  7. http://www.business-research.org/
    BuR: Business Research

  8. http://www.saycocorporativo.com/saycoUK/BIJ/journals.html
    Business Intelligence Journal

  9. http://www.bentley.edu/csbigs/
    Case Studies in Business, Industry and Government Statistics

  10. http://www.cato.org/pubs/journal/index.html
    The Cato journal: an Interdisciplinary Journal of Public Policy Analysis

  11. http://cjtcs.cs.uchicago.edu/
    Chicago Journal of Theoretical Computer Science

  12. http://www.ims.cuhk.edu.hk/~cis/
    Communications in Information and Systems

  13. http://www.man.poznan.pl/cmst/
    Computational Methods in Science and Technology

  14. http://www.economicsnetwork.ac.uk/cheer.htm
    Computers in Higher Education Economics Review (CHEER)

  15. http://www.cybersociology.com/

  16. http://www.eap-journal.com/
    Economic Analysis and Policy (Австралия)

  17. http://versita.metapress.com/content/121132/?p=238935b8d5fa41c8b19a2469df8787bd&p_o=0
    Economics and Organization of Enterprise (Польша)

  18. http://ejbo.jyu.fi/
    Electronic Journal of Business Ethics and Organization Studies (Финляндия)

  19. http://www.ejbrm.com/main.html
    Electronic Journal of Business Research Methods (Великобритания)

  20. http://eaces.liuc.it/
    The European Journal of Comparative Economics (Италия)

  21. http://www.ejkm.com/
    Electronic Journal of Knowledge Management (EJKM)

  22. http://serials.infomotions.com/aejvc/
    Electronic Journal of Virtual Culture

  23. http://www.afcpe.org/publications/journal-articles.php
    Financial Counseling and Planning (США)

  24. http://www.risk-insurance.de/
    German Risk and Insurance Review (Германия)

  25. http://ccsenet.org/journal/index.php/ibr/
    International Business Research (Канада)

  26. http://etjanst.hb.se/bhs/ith//humanit-eng.htm
    Journal for Information Technology Studies as a Human Science

  27. http://www.jukm.org/;internal&action=noaction&Parameter=1171136628114
    Journal of Universal Knowledge Management

  28. http://www.jiito.org/
    Journal of Information, Information Technology, and Organizations

  29. http://www.ams.org/mcom/
    Mathematics of Computation (MCOM)

  30. http://www.pcmag.com/
    PC Magazine Online

  31. http://www.uoc.edu/uocpapers/8/eng/index.html
    UOC Papers: e-Journal on the Knowledge-Society

  32. http://mises.org/
    The Ludwig von Mises Institute (Институт Л.фон Мизеса) – мировой центр Австрийской школы экономики, либертарианской политики и социальной теории

  33. http://www.bankingandfinancereview.com/bfr/index.php/bfr
    The Banking and Finance Review

  34. http://www.lifescienceglobal.com/independent-journals/journal-of-reviews-on-global-economics
    Journal of Reviews on Global Economics

  35. http://www.resmathsci.com/
    Research in the Mathematical Sciences

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